The Analogues | Höfner Dealer
The Analogues

The Analogues

The Analogues, from Haarlem in The Netherlands, perform later period iconic Beatle Albums from start to finish plus a selection of Fab Four Favorites of all times.

Revolver, Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, Magical Mystery Tour, The White Album, Let it Be and Abbey Road; these six iconic albums were recorded in the short space of five memorable years. But… they were never performed live. Until now! The Analogues are on a mission to perform all six of these albums in their entirety. Precisely as the records were made at the time. Using the same vintage instruments, amplifiers, sounds, live strings and horns. ‘Just the music’ as recorded by The Beatles in the Sixties. Only live.

The Analogues believe that you simply can’t achieve a real, authentic sound with digital short cuts and so they use the same instruments that The Beatles used in 1967. They have had to look for instruments all over the world. Check out their website to see the amazing collection.

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Beatles Celebration