Alfie Gayle - Help 65 | Höfner Dealer
Alfie Gayle - Help 65

Alfie Gayle - Help 65

Alfie Gayle (lead voice and bass) is the founder member of some of the most important tribute bands from Uruguay and Argentina: Danger Four (1983-1989), famous for its innovative Homage to The Beatles; power trio Bel Air (1990-2010); and Help 65 (2010 to present), devoted to contemporarily recreating classic rock from the 50s, 60, 70s and 80s.Through his more than 30 years career span, Alfie has taken special care to recreate that famous classic rock bass sound, trying dozens of basses… But all roads lead, of course, to HÖFNER, and he has used the legendary 500/1 for Beatles’ flavor, an old 185 to recreate the Jazz Bass sound of The Shakers (one of the best Uruguayan rock acts from the 60s), and, since 2010, a HÖFNER Shorty Bass, delivering contemporary and powerful sound, and allowing playing many hours a night – at pubs, private parties and theatres - with HELP 65 with no back fuss. Alfie Gayle has recorded many albums with Danger Four (Homage to the Beatles), Bel Air (Rock ‘N’ Roll Music, Bel Air II), and two personal versions of Bee Gees songs for the U.K. market, available at the Ordinary People and Everybody Clap albums. 


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